Beauty Tips

10 Effective Home Remedies for Smooth and Shiny Hair

Not every woman is born with beautiful, shiny, volume rich hair – and even women that have been blessed with hair that movie stars would die for still use all kinds of products to elevate their hair even more.

Unfortunately for most, it doesn’t take long to learn just how disastrous most hair products can be.

Filled to the brim with all kinds of chemical agents and ingredients that actually destroy your hair, most of the man-made “hair care” products should be avoided completely.

Thankfully though, homemade remedies and all-natural remedies exist to help you transform your hair from “blah” to something really spectacular. Oftentimes you’ll be able to undergo this transformation overnight!

Use the inside information below to create the beautifully smooth, shiny, and volume rich hair you are after and you’ll never have to worry about dangerous side effects, chemical burns, or discoloration in your hair ever again.

Avocado Hair Masks Really Work

Avocados are rich in natural fat, but they also have plenty of natural oil and other nutrients that are going to be soaked into your hair almost immediately upon contact.

Even better than olive oil (and that’s saying something), raw avocado that has been mashed and mixed with just a little bit of water before being worked into your hair can produce the shiny, shimmering look you’re after.

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Wash With Apple Cider Vinegar

It might sound crazy to wash your hair with vinegar, but when you scrub your hair with apple cider vinegar you’re not only going to be eliminating dirt and debris that naturally accumulates but you’re also going to be actively moisturizing your hair as well.

Use one part apple cider with one part warm water and you’ll have the best natural shampoo for shiny hair on the planet.

Crack an Egg on Your Scalp

Believe it or not, cracking a raw egg in working it into your hair is one of the best things you can do to flood your hair – right down to the follicle and root – with all the nutrients it needs to be healthy.

Not only will a raw egg worked into your hair create shinier and more colorful hair, it’s also going to work to create healthy hair with a lot of volume as well.

Scrub a Little Mayonnaise into Your Scalp

Mayonnaise has eggs as one of the main ingredients, but also includes vinegar, oil, and other compounds that are also going to work wonders at rejuvenating your hair.

This is not your traditional hair mask by any stretch of the imagination, but it sure gets the job done!

Put Some Coconut Oil on Your Scalp

Coconut oil has long been appreciated for its health properties, though most people take it internally or use it in their cooking as a substitute for lower quality oils.

Nowadays, however, folks have found out just how beneficial coconut oil can be for your hair when used topically. Work a little bit of natural and virgin coconut oil into your hair, leave it there overnight and you’ll be good to go!

A lot of very popular spots around the world are using coconut oil to elevate their hair care regimen for their clients, like the spas that you can get connected with through the LaceyBunny Malaysia portal.

Beer Can Brighten Your Hair

Interestingly enough, it’s possible to rejuvenate your hair and your skin with nothing but a little bit of beer poured all over your skull.

There are all kinds of proteins in beer that begin to flood your hair with vital nutrients, and the alcohol will produce the kind of crisp cleanliness you’re looking for without leaving behind any chemical residues.

Leave Aloe Vera in Your Hair Overnight and Wake Up With Healthier Hair

Just 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel mixed with 3 tablespoons of Greek yogurt and a tablespoon of coconut oil will produce a sick, rich, and exotic smelling hair mask that you can scrub into your hair and then leave in overnight for amazing rejuvenating properties.

This one solution will transform your hair into bright, shiny locks a lot faster than you ever would have thought possible.

Honey Gets the Job Done

Honey is absolutely amazing, one of the true “super foods” that we all have inexpensive access to and a wonderful healing agent straight from Mother Nature.

Apply honey to your hair before you wash it in a warm shower (leaving it in for anywhere between 15 and 20 minutes ahead of time), and then rinse all of the honey out of your hair with warm water. You’ll immediately notice a silkiness and shine that your hair didn’t have before.

Gelatin Hair Masks Are Starting To Gain Popularity

Gelatin – not all that far off from what you get in a box of Jell-O – is absolutely loaded with proteins and other nutrients, and by mixing up a sick batch of gelatin (using a lot less water than is recommended on the box) you are able to infuse your hair with those proteins and those nutrients, creating shiny and lustrous hair.

Good Old-Fashioned Yogurt Works Very Well

Yogurt has been used as an all-natural conditioning agent for your hair for hundreds of years, and you’ll be able to get amazing benefits when you use yogurt just like our ancient ancestors did.

The natural bio compounds, enzymes, and good bacteria in high quality yogurt (like Greek yogurt, for example) will work to actively cleanse your hair, refresh your hair, and rebuild your hair all at the same time. It doesn’t get much better than that!

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