Health Tips

9 most effective remedies for shingles at home

Shingles caused by the reworking of Herpes zoster virus (varicella-zoster virus or VZV). At first, the skin area suffered from shingles often gets red and then turns to blisters along with itchy and burning sensations.

Shingles can occur anywhere on the body especially on the lips, chin, forehead, cheeks and nose. Stress, fatigue, immune deficiency, cosmetic surgery or hormone imbalance are the common reasons causing this disease. The symptoms of this disease are very varied and different depending on health condition of each person but the most common are fever, headache, swollen lips, swollen lymph nodes and itchiness.

Although there are many medicines to treat shingles sold in pharmacy, you can apply some simple but very effective remedies for shingles at home.

#1. Garlic

Garlic is the simplest method to treat shingles. Cut 2 to 3 garlic slices and apply them to the damaged skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. Antibiotic essence in garlic helps to kill bacteria and heal the skin areas suffered from shingles quickly.

#2. Cajeput oil – one of the most effective essential oils for shingles

With the use of killing many types of harmful bacteria, the cajeput oil is also an effective method of treating shingles. Apply the diluted essential oil to the affected skin areas 3 times per day in order to get the best result.

#3. Ice

The cold heat of ice can relieve pain and swelling as well as prevent the spread. The treatment method should be applied immediately after having itchy feeling and redness.

#4. Milk

The calcium component available in milk helps to against the virus causing the disease. Milk helps to promote the healing wounds process. You just need to use a piece of clean cotton soaked into the milk and then apply lightly to the skin affected by shingles for a few minutes. Use this method 2 – 3 times per day. It is very simple but its effects can make you surprise.

#5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera helps to reduce the feeling of discomfort caused by the blisters. You can make aloe vera juice to drink or apply directly to your skin.

Drinking: Take an aloe vera leaf, remove the outer shell and only keep the clear gel inside. Grind and add to the boiling water. Remove the residue and drink this water once a day.

Apply to skin: Grind an aloe leaf and then mix them with minced green. Apply this mixture to painful skin area. Apply this method continuously for 4 – 5 days, shingles will be cured without scars.

#6. Onion

Onions have the effect of relieving shingles thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties of that help to heal blisters effectively. Apply a slice of onion to the skin area suffered from shingles, leave it for few minutes and rinse with clean water.

#7. Honey

Honey has the effect of killing bacteria, virus resistance, so it works well with shingles. Apply directly to infected skin area then rinse with water. Applying honey every day, your skin will no longer feel itchy and soon recover.

#8. Epsom salt

Epsom salt is a good option for the treatment of itchiness, redness related to shingles. It not only cleanse the skin but also soothes the sores. Add Epsom salt to the bath water and soak for 10-20 minutes to get the effect.

#9. Corn starch

Corn starch helps to relieve the blisters by absorbing moisture and reduce burning feeling. Apply directly to the blister and leave for few minutes.

Besides these home remedies above, there are some types of essential oils for shingles such as rose essential oil, vitamin E or jojoba. These home remedies can help to prevent the disease from getting worse, however, if the disease does not relieve after two days, you should see doctor to have the appropriate treatment.

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