Honey and Olive Oil mask for Dry Hair
As weird as it sounds, honey actually does great things for both your hair and your face. Olive oil is awesome ingredient of most DIY hair masks. Now you all have to do is to put together by mixing 4 table spoons oh honey with 6 table spoons of olive oil and you will get one super nurturing mask that will transform your hair! Let it sit on your hair for 15 to 30 minutes and don’t forget to cover it with plastic bag.
Milk and Honey Mask
Milk and honey infusion might have been a luxury a few hundred years ago but it’s something a modern women her use whenever she pleases! And if you have dry hair, you’ll definitely want to indulge in it every week or two. Use a half to a full cup of full fat milk (room temperature) and add either one or 2 big tablespoons of honey. I usually allow it about an hour to work, then rinse it off using my regular shampoo. This wonderful pack won’t weight your hair down or make it greasy but give it wonderful, healthy shine and softness instead.
Coconut Pack
Rich in proteins, fatty acids, vitamin B and C, Zink, Potassium and iron, coconut will definitely prove to be one of the best treatments for dry hair ever! Invest in a jar of extra virgin coconut oil and simply apply it on your hair whenever you know that your hair is going through a lot of stress (harsh winters, blazing hot summers) or when you notice that your standard hair care routine is lacking something. Work the oil into your hair section by section, massage it into your scalp, pack in a warm towel and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse, wash and condition as usual.
Avocado, Olive oil and Honey Mask for Dry Hair
Next on my list great DIY mask for dry hair is a simple, yet incredibly nurturing mixture of some of the best natural products ever – honey, avocado and olive oil! Mesh one nice, ripe avocado (use it’s flesh only) and add one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoon of olive oil. Blend it all well and apply on your damaged tresses. Wrap a plastic bag over your hair to maximize the effect of this mask and leave it to work its magic. Twenty minutes is okay if you’re in a rush although I always prefer to leave it on at least an hour.
Mayonnaise Pack
Have you ever tried using mayonnaise to restore your hair’s natural moisture? Well, you should definitely give it a try! And the next of my treatments for hair is actually super-simple. All you need is some mayo (and don’t tell me you don’t have it – it is, after all; one of the most popular guilty pleasures) and a few drops of some essential oil, just to keep your smelling nice! Massage mayonnaise into your dry sections, leave in on for the next 15-20 minutes then shampoo and style as usual.
30 Minutes Mask for Split Ends
If your hair looks too damaged, dry and split and you can’t really tell which parts desperately need a chop, definitely invest 30 minutes of your life and give this mask for dry hair a go! You’ll need two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of almond oil and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (feel free to double the amount in case you have long hair). Mix these together and slowly work the mixture into your tresses focusing on the ends and going up until you have covered all the damaged bits. Let it sit there over the next half an hour (or more) than rinse off. The mask alone won’t help you get rid of splits but it will dramatically improve the appearance of the rest of your hair as well as all parts that used to look like they should be chopped off but had enough life in them to be restored.
Strawberry Mask
The last on my list of DIY masks for dry hair is something that most certainly won’t make your hair smells bad and will give it lots and lots of moisture and shine! In order to make it you’ll need 200 grams of fresh strawberries, one egg yolk and 2 big spoons of olive oil. Mash or blend your strawberries, mix in the last two ingredients and apply to your hair. Leave it in and rinse off after 20 to 30 minutes. So simple!
Source : allwomenstalk.com