Do you know how to be happy? Or are you patiently awaiting pleasure to discover you?
Despite what the favorite anecdotes illustrate, pleasure does not appear by miracle. It’s not even something that happens to you. It’s something you can develop.
So, what are you patiently waiting for? Begin finding how to be very glad.
Here are some Tips for being Happy and Healthy.
- Always have something healthy to snack on, handy.
- Appreciate the little things in life.
- Be kind. Always.
- Be more mindful.
- Create morning rituals you’ll look forward to every day.
- Dance more often.
- Diffuse essential oils- this will help you unwind and relax.
- Do more of what you love.
- Do something nice for others, on regular basis.
- Don’t be afraid to dream big.
- Don’t compare yourself to others. You are unique. Nothing can replace you.
- Don’t complain. Especially when it comes to things that are out of your control.
- Don’t ever stop learning.
- Don’t skip Breakfast. You’ll be less likely to being on something unhealthy later on in the day.
- Don’t waste your time crying over the past.
- Drink Herbal Tea. Make it a habit to enjoy your tea time-even if it’s just 5-10 minutes in the morning.
- Drink more water.
- Eat slowly.
- Edit your life frequently. Get rid of things or people that don’t serve you.
- Get more sleep.
- Judge less.
- Keep track of your goals. Set new once.
- Keep your email inbox organized.
- Know how to slow down and be present.
- Laugh often.
- Learn to say “No”.
- Let go of your need to be perfect.
- Listen more.
- Never go grocery shopping… while hungry.
- Never write and send emails or text messages while you’re angry.
- Nourish your relationships.
- Once in a while, spoil yourself-even if it’s just a cup of coffee from your favorite place.
- Practice gratitude.
- Practice positive thinking.
- Practice self-care.
- Remember to Recycle.
- Rise early.
- Snack on some Berries + Almonds. Your nails and hair will thank you.
- Spend more time in nature.
- Start using positive affirmations.
- Stay curious.
- Step away from your desk, at least once every hour.
- Stop procrastinating. Tackle your most important tasks first.
- Stop waiting. For Friday, for summer, for love.
- Take a little Tech-Time-Out.
- Take Omega-3.
- Take the stairs.
- Try new things, often. Do things that scare you- that’s how you grow.
- Try to sneak in some leafy greens into your diet.
- Worry less.